Swimsuit models and fashion models, along with their pictures and photos, are available on Finditt. Each featured model is updated daily.
The models have pics of them in swimwear and high-fashion clothes.
While on the Model of the day feature, you can check the model’s bio, as well as scroll through her photo gallery. Each picture in the gallery can be enlarged with the simple click of a button and each photo can be rated on a scale from 1-10.
Without clicking the forward button after each picture, you can set a slideshow that will rotate photos every three, five or nine seconds, depending on what speed you want to see.
If you truly like the model of the day, you can e-mail her profile to a friend with a simple click. If you want to communicate with her, you can live video chat with her as well.
After you have utilized every feature on her profile, you can preview tomorrow’s girl. You can also look at the Models of the Day for the past five days to catch up if you missed it.
Source : Finditt, Inc